Life is Strange Reaches A Million Sales

As well as the release date for the fourth episode in the series, DontNod Entertainment have revealed that Life is Strange has sold a million copies. This is an amazing feat for any game to achieve, but considering that all the episodes have not been released, it is possible that even more could be added to it’s total before the curtain falls on Arcadia Bay.

It is not known at present which format has proven to be the most successful, or how many people have upgraded to the season pass from the original episode, but the adventures of Max and Chloe have proven to be a winning formula. If DontNod Entertainment keep up the momentum for the rest of the series, I am sure that we will see the sales figures rise even higher, especially if Square Enix decide to publish the game as a physical release once it is complete.

If you are interested in how we have found the game so far, our reviews of  the first, second and third episodes of the series can be found by clicking on the relevant links. Are you pleased that Life is Strange has been an overwhelming success? Let us know what you think in the comments below.