League of Legends Headhunter Nidalee Skin Revealed

 Posted up recently on the League of Legends Facebook page, an image of a new skin for Nidalee has been shared.

The image shows off Headhunter Nidalee, now the third Headhunter to fight on the fields of justice alongside Rengar and Master Yi.

The new skin looks great on Nidalee and can be picked up now in the shop for 975 Riot Points. Now do you think it’s strange how SC2: Heart of the Swarm gets released and then Nidalee gets a skin that has a similar art style to Kerrigan? Riot Games have a great reputation to make skins come out on ideal occasions, so this might be another case of perfectly timed revealing.

So what do you think of Headhunter Nidalee? Does she make you cower in fear or does her skin make you want to take her down that much more? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below.