Kojima’s Big Reveal Could be Zone of the Enders 3

A post entitled “Leaked info regarding announcement on Spike TV tonight…” recently was put up on the on the PlayStation 4 subreddit. In it, the user had this to say:

“Just heard Kevin Pereira on the DeathSquad podcast leak some info regarding one of the big surprises tonight. He said it has to do with bringing back one of the biggest Sony exclusives, and has to do with space…I’m drawing blanks, y’all have any ideas what the announcement could be? Link to the podcast for anyone wanting to check it out.

Space + Hideo Kojima = Zone of the Enders?!

Simple maths folks, but we shall find out for sure tonight on Spike TV!

Are our calculations wrong? Any of your own ideas on what Hideo Kojima is set to reveal? Let us know!