Gamespot Sponsors New Holiday Focused Groupees Bundle

Indie Bundles to promote game releases have become very commonplace since the Humble Indie Bundle first emerged back in 2010. But the latest promotional event by Groupees has taken the concept one stage further for the festive season. Aided by the game review site Gamespot, they state that for every dollar raised in the campaign, one meal will be provided to hungry families in need.

The bundle consists of many different games, albums and digital graphic novels, ranging from the indie platformer Blood of the Werewolf to the timey-wimey puzzle solving antics of Doctor Who. All you need to do is choose the items you want, pay above the minimum asking price for what you have chosen, and the content is yours. Be sure to consider donating to this bundle to ensure a merry Christmas for all, and to all a good bite to eat. To check out this bundle for yourself, click here to go to the bundle’s main website.

Do you think this idea will inspire other companies to follow their example? Let us know what you think in the comments below.