City of Steam Heading Into Early Access Beta In May

The MMORPG City of Steam, a free-to-play, browser-based industrial age fantasy 3D MMORPG developed with the Unity 3D engine, has been announced for early access Beta on May 10th. After wrapping up the game’s Closed Beta in December of last year, Mechanist Games has been hard at work developing the game for its next phase, and both the developer and publisher are confident that the game will live up to fan expectations. Players interested in joining in can sign up on the official website.

The early access Beta will act as a proving ground for many of the game’s new features, as well as improvements based on player feedback from previous tests. With a relatively small team tackling such an ambitious project, Mechanist Games has shown to be highly receptive to community-driven development; drawing much support and inspiration from their fans. Features such as abilities, airship levels and streamlined UI designs came directly from popular player input. In partnership with R2Games, City of Steam is ready to take its next step and be released to the world.

Throughout the Beta, the game will be regularly updated and built upon, up to an Open Beta version expected for release shortly thereafter. In the remaining few weeks leading up to Beta, they will be releasing additional Developer Journals and news posts about game changes and content on the website.

Players interested in participating in the Beta can register an account and get more information about getting early access on the official City of Steam website.