Card Hunter Goes Live, Browser Based Card Game From Irrational Co-Founder and Magic Creator

Card Hunter is a combination of tabletop RPG’s and card games in a internet browser. Made by the creator of the ever popular Magic The Gathering, Richard Garfield, along side the Co-Founder and senior staff members of Irrational Games, Card Hunter has now gone live after finishing its beta test which had over 50,000 participants.

Playable over on the games official website, Card Hunter places you as the player of a tabletop RPG where your characters moves are determined by what cards you draw out of the characters deck. You take it in turns against an AI or another player to battle each other in the attempt to beat different objectives.

“I wanted to break away from the usual with this game” said Jonathan Chey, co-founder of Irrational Games. “We’ve come up with brand new card play and deck-building mechanics, setting players challenges they’ve never seen before, all through the lens of discovering tabletop role-playing with your friends.”

Card Hunter is a free-to-play game, whilst those who want to pay can purchase the Basic Edition which includes all Treasure Hunt adventures, a 1 month membership to the Card Hunter Club, 9 extra figures to use in game and 100 slices of Papa Manchu pizza for $25. Check out the trailer below or visit the official website to find out more.

What are your thoughts on Card Hunter? Does it look like something you may be interested in?