Blacklight Retribution on PS4 runs at max PC settings

Blacklight Retribution will be the same on PS4 as it on PC at max graphics, according to developer Zombie Studios.

Speaking to GamingBolt, the studio director Jared Gerritzen said that the game resolution and framerate matched those of the PC version, even on higher-end rigs:

“We have all the PC settings cranked up to their highest setting on the PlayStation 4, so it holds up great! We are really happy how the transition between high end PC and PlayStation 4 works for us.”

Since the inception of the PS4, it has been the goal of Sony to provide easier porting compared to the notoriously awkward PS3, which often found itself with the lesser version of a game due to Sony’s different approach to hardware than everyone else.  Gerritzen also said that they are targeting the highest framerates possible with the game running at 1080p.

Blacklight: Retribution is a free-to-play shooter that launches alongside the PlayStation 4 on November 15th. Unlike most other online multiplayer games on PS4, it will not require PlayStation Plus to play online. What do you think? Has the gap between console and PC closed at all? Let us know what you think in the comments below.