Assassins Creed 3: Liberation sales reaches nearly 600,000

Ubisoft have revealed the sales figures for Assassins Creed 3: Liberation as part of a post-earnings financial call. The game has sold close to 600,000 units.

It’s not been made clear whether this includes copies from the Playstation Vita bundle or whether it is just copies of the game alone, but it’s surely a good looking number for the PSV title.

Liberation sees you playing as Aveline, a deadly assassin intent on stopping the Spanish forces from taking control of Louisiana. She will use every weapon and ability in her arsenal to win freedom both for her land and for her people. It makes full use of the Vita system’s dual touch-pads, motion direction and built in camera while letting you execute slow-motion kills, pickpocket and pursue your enemies in a canoe.

Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation is available to buy on PSVita now. Have you played the game before? Let us know what you think of it in the comments