GTAV PC Gets A New Radio Station With Extra Tracks

GTAV PC will be releasing on the 14th April if no more delays interrupt the date, and now you can cruise Los Santos with even more Music.

Those of us who are waiting for the last version of GTAV, that being the PC version, will not only be rewarded with a bit of extra moolah to spend in GTA Online, but also a whole new radio station. With an all new soundtrack to the insanity of GTAV, it will be interesting to see what kind of station this new addition will be. With the name “The Lab”, speculation would say they will be experimental. Said to have music inspired by the original soundtrack to GTAV, we can maybe expect remixes of songs and scores we may have already heard in game. A full album will also be released the week following GTAV PC’s release.
You can listen to one of the tracks, “Play It Cool” at Rockstars official news site.