Bitmonsters Grav Hits Early Access At Discounted Price.

Grav is a space based survival craft game, with co-op, pvp, crafting and building.

In one of the more successful greenlight campaigns to appear on Steam, Bitmonster Incs new title, Grav, impressed users enough to ensure its greenlit status within 48 hours. Now available on Early Access, Grav is quickly showing itself to be everything that those who greenlit it expected.

Launching at a discounted price, and with a huge amount of features already available, Grav seems to be a worthwhile purchase, especially with 33% off. Set in a series of vibrant planets, with fluorescent flora and illuminated indigenous inhabitants for you to hunt, base building and crafting, Grav seems set to occupy your free time. Be sure to check out the developers site for the latest info on Grav.