Nintendo to Cut Prices of Their 5 Biggest 3DS Titles

In an unusual move for the company, Nintendo have decided to slash the prices of their five biggest titles on 3DS.

From April 22nd you will be able to pick up Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario 3D Land and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D for just $30. With the regular retail price for these titles usually fixed at $40, this could be the incentive some players need to take the plunge and pick up something new.

As Nintendo are somewhat well-known for having high value games that rarely drop in price, compared to the under £10 bargains we expect from Xbox and Playstation titles, this could be a step in the right direction to push their game sales up. While the company aren’t exactly suffering for it, cheaper games can usually guarantee more sales, especially in Nintendo’s case.

The lower prices will be issued across the eShop as well as for hard copies of the games. If you’ve been thinking about picking up something new for your 3DS, you’d probably be better off waiting a couple of weeks. For more information on any of the titles, head over to the official Nintendo site.