Watch Dogs PlayStation Exclusive Content Announced

Sony have announced exclusive Watch Dogs content for PS3 and PS4. It will feature “one hour of exclusive gameplay” along with a new outfit and an additional perk.

In an almost clever nod to hacker culture, the heavy white winter coat ensemble is dubbed the “White hat” outfit. Apart from this, four missions comprise the bulk of the free content for Playstation purchasers. Once the content is complete “Superior Capacity” will unlock – A perk which gives Aiden an additional battery slot to cause more mayhem.

Like the Assassin’s Creed series, this content is part of an agreement where Ubisoft supply the Playstation with exclusive content for larger releases. This has previously been seen in the Benedict Arnold DLC for Assassin’s Creed 3 and Aveline content for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

Watch Dogs will out released worldwide May 27, 2014 on PS4, PS3 ,Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows. The Wii U version will released at an unspecified later date.