Virgin Gaming Opening E-Sports Leagues

Virgin Gaming is launching a subscription-based e-sports service that allows players to enter customizable league and compete for money.

With e-sports getting bigger and bigger, the most famous being League of Legends many players are able to earn a living through entering these kind of competitions, and Virgin are now offering the chance for you to start up at home with Virgin Gaming Premium.

Up until now, Virgin Gaming has offered users the chance to place cash bets on themselves while they play matches on a select amount of games and the company would take 12% of the winnings. With Virgin Gaming Premium the company have got rid of the 12% ‘management fee’ and it will all work via a subscription service.

The games are open to players of any level and skill, you can even buy in at zero and play just for fun. The Virgin Gaming lobbies can hold leagues of up to 32 premium members, with the league being customized by the players.

“Play as much as you want; play with the people that you’ve told us you want to play with, by being able to create your own user-generated leagues, [with] no management fee.” Said CEO Rob Segal.

With huge cash prizes what do you think of the subscription idea? Will you be joining in? Let us know in the comments.