Angry Birds Star Wars II Launching in September

Rovio has announced Angry Birds Star Wars II with a launch date of September 19th on their official blog. The game features a Skylanders-style system whereby players can purchase “Telepod” characters that can be scanned by mobile devices into the game.

The game follows the stories of the prequels and players will also be able to join “The Pork Side” playing as the eternal nemesis of the birds: the pigs.

Perhaps the toy line idea employed by Activision’s Skylanders series and the upcoming Disney Infinity could be more powerful than Rovio possibly imagined, but we will have to see when the game launches if gamers take to it like Darth Vader or Jar-Jar Binks.

Are the Telepods a bit too much for the series? Will you be buying one (or more) at launch? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below.