Microsoft registers a new domain – could this suggest an early reveal?

Microsoft have registered a new domain that could suggest an event to reveal the next Xbox console.

According to WHOIS, was registered yesterday by U.S Techs, a company that was recently rebranded as Eventcore. They provide ‘advanced, customised solutions in the event management industry’. This is the same company that previously registered (the event site used to sign up for Microsoft’s press briefing at E3 last year) as well as Microsoft’s 2013 Hosting Summit site.

So could this be a subtle hint at Xbox’s imminent press release about their latest console? This comes hot on the heels of the Playstation 4 announcement, so Xbox could be getting ready to hold a similar event soon.

Microsoft have commented to IGN with the following statement:

Microsoft often acquires various domain names as part of its ongoing business strategy, but beyond that we have no comment.

What’s more, reports from CVG suggest that April is the most likely time for this reveal.

What do you guys think? Could this be hinting at the imminent Xbox reveal? Let us know with a comment, and VGU will keep you updated if anything else develops on the matter.